Monday, March 26, 2007

May Book Selection

For those who want to read ahead....

Our meeting for May will be on Tuesday, May 8, at 7:45 p.m.

At the meeting we will discuss “History of Love” by Nicole Krauss. The publisher gives this description of the novel: “With consummate, spellbinding skill, Nicole Krauss gradually draws together the stories of Leo Gursky and 14 year old Alma. This extraordinary book was inspired by the author's four grandparents and by a pantheon of authors whose work is haunted by loss—Bruno Schulz, Franz Kafka, Isaac Babel, and more. It is truly a history of love: a tale brimming with laughter, irony, passion, and soaring imaginative power. “

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Book for April 2007

Just to let everyone know that the book for April is Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner.
It's deceptively simple: two bright young couples meet during the Depression and form an instant and lifelong friendship. "How do you make a book that anyone will read out of lives as quiet as these?" Larry Morgan, a successful novelist and the narrator of the story, poses that question many years after he and his wife, Sally, have befriended the vibrant, wealthy, and often troubled Sid and Charity Lang. "Where is the high life, the conspicuous waste, the violence, the kinky sex, the death wish?" It's not here. What is here is just as fascinating, just as compelling, as touching, and as tragic.

I'm about 50+ pages into it and must say that the writing is insightful and beautiful - this is a very promising book so far!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Emperor's Children

Here is the link to the book discussion for The Emperor's Children by Claire Messud:

Looking forward to seeing you all tonight!

Our Own Blog!

I am very pleased to announce the creation of our very own book club blog. I am hoping that you will book mark this spot on the internet that is our own little corner to post/view thoughts and offer book suggestions etc. - stuff that would be of interest to this group. Never fear - this is on the internet but is not public i.e. Google does not share this site on their public lists of blogs.
You can access our blog at:

In order to post to this blog, you will need to create an account. When you are prompted, please make sure that you are creating an account on the New Blogger.

Feel free to try it out - I want to know if this works for us. Happy Blogging!
