Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our Own Blog!

I am very pleased to announce the creation of our very own book club blog. I am hoping that you will book mark this spot on the internet that is our own little corner to post/view thoughts and offer book suggestions etc. - stuff that would be of interest to this group. Never fear - this is on the internet but is not public i.e. Google does not share this site on their public lists of blogs.
You can access our blog at:

In order to post to this blog, you will need to create an account. When you are prompted, please make sure that you are creating an account on the New Blogger.

Feel free to try it out - I want to know if this works for us. Happy Blogging!



Meleisa Holek said...

I'm trying out the new Y book club blog. It is pretty cool and will be a good way to communicate. I'd like to again suggest "Manhunt" about the assination of President Lincoln which I saw again recently recommended. We should chose this for an upcoming free month.

Pam said...

Since I missed the meeting on The Emperor's Children (and have yet to finish the book), can someone provide a summary of what was discussed (e.g., general thoughts on the book)?

Also, what about posting a list of upcoming or past books?